SevillaMN Speak is a language learning centre in Méndez Núñez Street in the centre of Seville. Méndez Núñez was the first sailor to travel around the world in a steam boat; we’re imitating his journey discovering the world through the huge number of international students that study with us. Our company originated in 1998 from a desire to provide a service that could help students with all of the subjects in the Spanish educational system. At the beginning we only worked using the commercial name Academia Méndez Núñez, but we’ve since branched out and added SevillaMN Speak to our forces. SevillaMN Speak focuses on acquisition and domination of languages, while Academia Méndez Núñez helps students prepare for their university entrance exams, provides support classes for secondary school students, and prepares people for public exams to work in the civil service in the education and administration sectors.
Our centre specialises in teaching Spanish, English and French. We’ve been working for 25 years following the values and principals that we consider fundamental for achieving best results.
Our facilities are designed so that students have easy access to everything they might need to learn a language, including a library where students can obtain a wide variety of books in different languages and computers they can use at their leisure.
Our mission is to teach languages whilst also sharing our culture, history, gastronomy and literature with others.
We organise a wide variety of courses, ranging from as little as a week to as long as a year, or more.
Our students come from all sorts of backgrounds. We have some who’ve been with us from childhood, where others join us when they retire, some who live in Seville and others who’ve crossed borders to study with us. Sometimes they travel alone, other times they come in groups from secondary schools or international universities. For international students, we combine culture and languages with leisure, and also offer accommodation.
Another group of students that seek out our services are those who want to study at universities in Spain. In addition to improving their level of Spanish with us, they learn all of the subjects they’ll need to pass the tests to get into a Spanish university.
This mix creates an intercultural atmosphere that enriches each and every student. What is more, it does so in an environment of respect and tolerance that ought to be reproduced in our wider society.

Our vision as a teaching centre is for continual improvement through a methodology that is actively personalised to the needs of each student.
We are committed to quality, seeking excellence to grow with our students. To do this, we make every effort to be transparent in our journey, using quality standards and searching for an integral experience that, in addition to sharing content and culture, also transmits values that will continue to impact on our students in the future.

Our main values are tolerance, liberty, respect, professionalism, leadership and honesty. We work with these values intrinsically within our staff and extrinsically with our students and wider environment. We do various selfless acts with nearby organisations and charities as part of our goal to reach an advanced humanist society in terms of cohesion and comprehension in our ever globalised and interconnected world.
We support and collaborate with local charitable organisations as part of our goal to create an advanced humanist society when it comes to cohesion and understanding of our ever globalised and interconnected world.